The IGGA, Departments of Transportation, academia and other industry partners have developed numerous technical and educational resources detailing not only state-of-the-art but also tried-and-true methods of diamond saw-cut pavement surfacing and concrete pavement preservation. We have assembled this library of information for your use. The following search engine should be able to locate the information you are looking for.
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The Long Term Performance of Unsealed Jointed Concrete Pavements
The results of this study show that concrete pavement restoration (CPR) with diamond grinding is an effective means of extending service life of concrete pavements. Based on surface texture life, faulting performance, and survival trends, a diamond-ground surface may be expected to provide a minimum of 8 to 10 years of service with a high degree of reliability. Dowel bar retrofitting (DBR) can be a highly effective method of extending service life of nondoweled PCC pavements with high traffic, especially for pavements in wet climates.
Resource Type:
Technical Info
City/Municipal, Highway
Joint and Crack Resealing
Structural/Material Issues
The Longevity and Performance of Diamond Ground Pavements
Diamond grinding is a concrete pavement restoration (CPR) technique that provides a smooth riding surface with the desirable friction characteristics on concrete pavements that have developed excessive roughness. Diamond grinding offers numerous advantages over other rehabilitation alternatives.
Resource Type:
Technical Info
City/Municipal, Highway
Diamond Grinding
Friction/Safety, Smoothness, Structural/Material Issues
The Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS)
Construction for The Finish Line, also known as Section 6, includes 27 miles of new interstate highway, as well as work on the heavily traveled I-465 between I-70 and I-65 on Indianapolis’s southwest side. It entails either replacement, rehabilitation or new construction for 42 bridges. Concrete paving will be used on all of them, and many will be surfaced using Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS).
Resource Type:
Case Study
Bridge, Highway
Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS), Diamond Grooving, Diamond Grinding, Concrete Pavement Preservation and Restoration
Friction/Safety, Tire/Pavement Noise, Smoothness, Hydroplaning
The Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS): Pavement Surface: An important consideration in Korea's long tunnels (PDF)
South Korea may not be known for is size, but it has more than its share of cars. A surface treatment developed in the U.S.—the Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS)—has been widely employed on their roadway network to maintain a safe, smooth driving environment for the driving public.
Resource Type:
Bridge, City/Municipal, Highway
Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS)
Tire/Pavement Noise
The Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS): Pavement Surface: An important consideration in Korea's long tunnels (PPT)
South Korea may not be known for is size, but it has more than its share of cars. A surface treatment developed in the U.S.—the Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS)—has been widely employed on their roadway network to maintain a safe, smooth driving environment for the driving public.
Resource Type:
Bridge, City/Municipal, Highway
Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS)
Tire/Pavement Noise
The Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS): The quiet pavement solution
The Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS) is the quietest non-porous concrete pavement surface available. NGCS is a hybrid texture that resembles a combination of diamond grinding and longitudinal grooving. Benefits of NGCS is a smoother ride, increased safety and decreased noise.
Resource Type:
Fact Sheet
Bridge, City/Municipal, Highway
Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS)
Tire/Pavement Noise